
Vasant Rutu (February-April)

Vasant rutu starts after the cold winters and lasts until the scorching summer starts. It revives nature after a chilly winter. The dormant plants and animals start to awaken.

It is considered to be a season of new beginnings and birth as plants bloom with beautiful flowers! The entire mother Earth becomes young once again and the colourful flowers and chirping birds, hovering butterflies add to its beauty.

Many famous Hindu festivals are celebrated in this season such as Holi, Vasant Panchami, Gudi Padwa, Baisakhi etc.

Dincharya for Vasant

Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly
Apply Uttane
Apply Uttane
Apply chandan
Apply chandan
Warm water Bath
Warm water Bath

Recommended food items

Some Extra Recommendations for healthy eating lifestyle

Grains: - use old, harvested grains or roast it before using it

Food items with Spicy, bitter and Turat taste are suggested

Honey should be helpful for cough and cold. Please do not mix honey with hot water

Consuming Moravala and Gulkand can be helpful to reduce heat

Use more oil than Ghee


  1. Minimal intake of sweet dishes
  2. Cold water, ice, ice cream should be avoided
  3. Avoid meat or you can have nov-veg in soup format i.e. chicken soup or mutton soup
  4. Rice increases cough so should be taken in less quantity
  5. Curd, fish, crab should be avoided
  6. Avoid sleeping in day time
  7. Avoid sleeping directly under the fan or air conditioner


  • Medium exercise in morning time

What to avoid question_mark

  • Avoid heavy acidic, fatty and sweet food

Please Note: The recommended diet takes Ayurveda into consideration. Individuals with any form of illness should seek medical advice before adopting the diet.