
Varsha Rutu (June-August)

After a hot summer, the sprinkles of rain give a pleasant vibe of refreshing rain. The dried nature revives with lush green color and flowing rivers energize trees and the entire animal lives.

Varsha Rutu is called the green season, as the earth is carpeted with greenery. The birds sing melodiously and the level of water rises in the rivers, ponds, and canals in this season. The important Hindu festivals that are celebrated in this season are Onam, Krishna Janmashtami, and Raksha Bandhan

However, in the Rainy season, our energy and digestion (agni in the stomach) are not that strong. Vaat dosha in rainy seasons makes the agni weaker.

Dincharya for Varsha

Scrub body with coarse soaked cloth
Scrub body with coarse soaked cloth
Apply Uttane
Apply Uttane
Apply chandan
Apply chandan
Use cotton and dry clothes
Use cotton and dry clothes
Use dry place for living (avoid damp places)
Use dry place for living (avoid damp places)

Recommended food items

Some Extra Recommendations for healthy eating lifestyle

Should eat hot meal and lukewarm water mixed with honey

Eat meals prepared in oil or ghee

Can have old harvested jav, wheat, rice

Kadhan (mug with tadka of ghee, jire, hing)

Should drink boiled water which is cooled

Lasoon(garlic) chuttani or fried Lasoon(garlic)

If possible, use old harvested grains or use slightly roasted grains Milk, ghee, sweet and fresh buttermilk

Add hing (Asafoedita), black Pepper powder (mire pud), cummin powder (jire pud) to Chicken or Mutton soup

Use Legumes roasted rather than sprouted

Drumstick leaves vegetable is extremely useful


  1. Sattu mixed in water
  2. Nonveg should be avoided as it is hard to digest
  3. Shrikhand, Basundi
  4. Pitta (Acidity) is depositing so avoid fermented food like Idli, dosa, bread and dhokla. If you still want to eat bread then toast it and apply butter on it.
  5. Curd should be strictly avoided
  6. Cold and frozen food
  7. Sleeping in daytime


  • Light Exercise is suggested

What to avoid question_mark

  • Roaming in foggy weather
  • Heavy Exercise is not suggested

Please Note: The recommended diet takes Ayurveda into consideration. Individuals with any form of illness should seek medical advice before adopting the diet.