
Sharad Rutu (August- October)

Sharad Rutu follows the splashing rainy season and is welcomed by the bright sunny days with a cold warm breeze in the evenings. Moon is dominant in this season, and it releases nutrient essence to the living being. Pitta dosha tends to become aggravated during this season, as it has already accumulated during Varsha Rutu.

During this season, trees shed leaves, some animals prepare themselves to hibernate and a few birds migrate to the South before the chilling winters arrive.

This season comes with a promise to bring back happiness and liveliness in our lives. It serves as a thoughtful reminder that change is good and should be embraced gracefully.

Dincharya for Sharad

Sit in cold starry nights
Sit in cold starry nights
Stay in cool environment
Stay in cool environment
Apply chandan
Apply chandan
Wear soft and cotton clothes.
Wear soft and cotton clothes.

Recommended food items

Some Extra Recommendations for healthy eating lifestyle

Eat sweet & easily digestible food with cooling properties

Food which can pacify bile in required quantity should be taken

Have milk with sugar, almonds, dry dates, pistachio nuts, cardamom added to it to soothe the increased acidity

All menus made from moong dal like Khichadi, Ladu and Varan

Lemon, Amsul, Awala in form of powder, juice or morawala is good


Garlic, Black Pepper or asafoetida should be used carefully

Pickles should be used in minimum quantities

Use Lemon or turmeric pickle rather than raw mango pickle

Puranpoli is good for this season to reduce acidity


  1. Sea food like fish should be avoided
  2. Fermented food like bread, idli and dhokla should be avoided
  3. Avoid curd and stale food
  4. Do not use oil made from Kardai as it is considered to be acidic


  • Swimming is a good exercise for this season.

What to avoid question_mark

  • Roaming in sunny weather Sleeping in daytime

Please Note: The recommended diet takes Ayurveda into consideration. Individuals with any form of illness should seek medical advice before adopting the diet.